Safety is our number one priority and at the forefront of everything we do. Not only do we have a legal
obligation to ensure that our work is carried out in a safe environment, but we also have a moral obligation
to ensure that all our employees return home safely every day, and that our works do not affect or cause
harm to our sub-contractors.
All our Method statement/Risk Assessments are specific to the individual projects and are written by our
dedicated Health and Safety Manager and Managing Director. Site Supervisor will then visit site prior to
our works commencing with the Method Statement/Risk assessment to approve the proposed safe
system of work. Any amendments that maybe required the document will be revised, in the event of any
unforeseen work an addendum will be produced and approved. Procedures in place throughout the life
of the contract to continually review and monitor the safe system of work and continual communication
with the workforce, subcontractors.
At the induction phase of each project all personnel must successfully complete the competence test
specific to the Projects Method Statement/Risk Assessment, to ensure a thorough understanding of the
project. During our works it is our continual goal to have zero impact on all stakeholders concerned and
communication with neighbor’s is vital in order to complete a successful project with no issues.
In addition to our in-house Health & Safety department we have external advisors that alert us to any
legislation changes or impending changes. This allows Al Nasr Demolition to adapt with fluidity to any
We require high standards of safety, health and welfare shall be achieved on all our sites. These standards
begin at tender stage and continue through to successful project completion, ensuring all works are
undertaken in compliance with current legislation and British & European standards.
1- Leadership
Embedding safety at the heart of our business requires strong and visible safety leadership. This includes
investing in safety, having a robust structure of safety meetings at all levels in the business. The Managing
director demonstrates his personal commitment by each undertaking safety tours on each project.
2 - Process
We implement proven procedures through a comprehensive consultation process to ensure they are
effective and practical. Our safety management system is backed by a strong internal auditing regime to
measure compliance.
3 - People
At Mountain we engage our workforce in developing and applying our safety management system. Al Nasr
continually invest in our workforce through training both in classroom environments and on-site practical